Monday, 27 August 2007

Tête-à-têtes Of The Dreams

My day is tunnel of light with patches of darkness
Light places a strip on my eyes
And darkness reveals the world to me
Torches of dreams lure me to the distance
Yet I love my penumbra of unclear truth,
Just refusing to reveal myself
Dreams are butter;
They spread over my existence like soft, instantantial toast
Only to go down my throat,
A quick breakfast
And nourish me through realism of the masses
They are also there at places in my head
Like, clearings of tie and die clothes
I die and I live, still measuring how much I live and
How much I live
Also like clean aanchals
Laugh they do, with ducks sewn on them
And then wipe my tears,
Into small mirrors tied in tight threads.
They then wrap around my existence,
Making it seem lissome and blithe with a vibrant redness
Of the flushes from an unguent caress
Of a prodigal and truant lover's lace.
I poured reason in two wine glasses
Raised one above my head
And poured it into my life
And they flowed into my liver like any other wine
Only that they were of the color of my solitude
Smiles are such nice a nice facade of water
Looks like a waterfall in elegant cascade
And I dream and dream again.

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